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The Transformational Model for School Leadership Development 

Our ERASMUS+ project, Getting Heads Together, is creating a set of training resources to help school leaders better understand and respond to complex problems. Today, we are our launching one of our first outputs – The Transformational Model for School Leadership Development.

School leader face complex problems every day. How school leaders work through these problems can be hugely influential on their school. However, These ‘complex problems’ are both hard to understand and hard to respond to.

1: Complex problems are hard to understand. They can be interpreted in different ways. They are usually unique. In addition, complex problems have often emerged because of other problems.

2: Complex problems are difficult to solve. They have a large number of possible solutions and it is very difficult to predict how the solution might affect the situation. Trying to ‘fix’ the problems can often cause other problems elsewhere. Finally, you cannot be ‘right’ or ‘wrong’.

In this publication, we introduce research that might be useful in supporting school leaders to understand and react to these problems. This paper introduces the ideas behind our model – The Transformational Model for School Leadership Development.

We hope that this document will be useful for policy makers, school leaders and training designers and help people to think about how they support professional training and development. 

Our ERASMUS+ project, Getting Heads Together, is going to produce a training package over the next 18 months to help school leaders understand and react to complex problems. 

You can access the publication: 

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